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Terms and Conditions

An advanced and special thank you for any interest and consideration in supporting this program. Any and all donations, regardless of the amount, are greatly appreciated. The funding will be used to help to support the launch of an organization that will begin with a publishing of a paginal theatre (manuscript) to help provide the necessary voice in support of mental health and those with disabilities (which I refer to as capeabilities) which was written and created predominately to help children with disabling conditions and their families, help to better understand the signs of mental health issues, and making an extra effort to help veterans who were compromised while in service and for the families of those who have fallen in their efforts to protect our freedom ( the warrior mindset).

It is important to note that this is not a charitable registered organization and donations are non-tax-deductible, and non-refundable with recommendations to consult with your accountant regarding the same. Capital funding is needed to ultimately grow this organization to become a funding engine to help this cause. The Evolution of Ziggie and Zach and the ‘Warrior Mindset’ composed to grow this venture which also includes the evolution of innovation and the development of patents (pending approval) associated with Research and Development (R&D) of proprietary predestined technology developed in an effort to find solutions and help those with disabling conditions, mental health and their families.

With this same concept, and full disclosure, a go-fund-me page will eventually be hastened at the appropriate time which will be shared pending representation and council approval may share limited information on this website, based on interests and growth of this invaluable program that needs to succeed.

The donations will also be used to benefit associated charities of the same (handicapped children and veterans, and mental health) dispensed specifically through WoofMoon’s discretion which needs to be clear, concise and safe from any potential miscommunication and within the legal guidelines of accepting funds regardless if it’s personal, organizational, institutional or otherwise. Your donation is confirmation that these terms and conditions have been read, understood, and accepted by all parties involved.